Female Hormone Replacement Therapy

Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor located in Santa Monica/Los Angeles, CA, Santa Monica, CA

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy services offered in Santa Monica/Los Angeles, CA, Santa Monica, CA

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at Best Naturopathic Medicine works to correct underlying causes, resolve hormone imbalance symptoms, and help you feel your best again. Board-certified Naturopathic Doctor Matthew Cavaiola, ND, will run a comprehensive set of hormone lab tests to determine which of your hormone centers are out of balance. Then, an individualized and targeted treatment plan will be designed just for you to best begin to revitalize your hormones. Call the Santa Monica, California office to set up your consultation, or request an appointment online today.


What is female hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a fantastic treatment offered by the Naturopathic Doctors at Best Naturopathic Medicine. Tiny chemical messengers called hormones are released by endocrine glands and are responsible for almost every physiological, metabolic and biological function in your body.


Some of the most important endocrine glands include the pituitary, ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pancreas.


When all the hormone centers are in harmony, this helps keep you feeling your best. When hormone levels decline or become out of balance, this can lead to signs and symptoms of aging, inflammation, or chronic illness and dramatically affect the quality of your life.

What are the signs that you need female hormone replacement therapy?

Symptoms and health conditions of chronic hormone imbalance include:


  • Chronic fatigue and need for naps
  • Mood changes, including moodiness, anxiety, depression, and stress
  • Hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations
  • Brain fog, difficulty concentrating and memory loss
  • Sexual dysfunction, including low libido, difficulty reaching orgasm 
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain or obesity 
  • Loss of muscle mass 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Insomnia 
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and painful or heavy periods
  • Diabetes
  • Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome
  • Cardiovascular disease 

What causes the need for female hormone replacement therapy? 

Menopause is a grouping of symptoms that begins to affect women in their early 50s and is caused by a drop in hormone production, like estrogen and progesterone, by the ovaries. 


Chronic stress is another cause of female hormone imbalances, often leading to adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism.


Best Naturopathic Medicine can help you identify how stress may impact your hormone health and design a customized treatment plan that may include female hormone replacement therapy, diet and lifestyle changes, environmental toxin avoidance, food sensitivity testing, and vitamin and mineral supplementation.


Board-certified Naturopathic Doctors use a comprehensive array of the best-specialized lab tests and the highest-quality nutraceuticals available, treating your symptoms and the root cause of your hormone imbalance. You can trust you're in good hands at the functional, integrative, and patient-centered practice.


To learn more about female hormone replacement therapy and how it can help you, call Best Naturopathic Medicine to schedule your consultation, or book one online today.